person forming heart with their hands

Free 7 Day
Self-Love Challenge

Embody Unconditional Love to Attract in Soul-Aligned Relationships

Do you struggle to find balance within relationships? Do you keep attracting needy people or narcisists? Stuck in a cycle of either abandoing your authentic self to preserve unhealthy relationships or struggling on your own?

The good news is that you can transform these patterns by practicing self-love.

When you align with the love that already exists within you will feel more connected to your partner, family and friends and attract healthier relationships into your life.

One of the easiest ways to create inner love is to connect to your 7 main energy centers (or chakras) in your body. Spend just a few minutes each day being guided on self-care practices to feel the benefits.

Starting with the lower chakras you feel grounded and safe in your body. Move up to your heart chakra where you are able to tune into your true desires. Finally, work through your upper chakras enabling you to create connections from your authentic self.

You will be amazed at what you can achieve in just one week, with these simple tweaks to your routine and shifts in perspective!

You don't need anything apart from a pen, paper and yourself to get started. Click the link below to join and sign-up for the daily emails. Once your email address is confirmed it will take a few minutes to receive Day 1 of the challenge and you can begin.